"Do we, the congregation, witness the preacher struggling to say what the text says
and doing so whether or not he or she personally likes the text?
If we do.... then we experience the authority of Scripture."
Robert W. Jenson
Why We Are Called St Mary's (St Mary's Aug 2024)
On Having a Right Spirit (St Mary's Aug 2024)
If You Can Lose Your Head (St Mary's July 2024)
Religion: What Is It Good For? (St Mary's June 2024)
Friendship with Jesus (New Life Midtown)
The Power of the Indestructible Life (Sanctuary March 2024)
To Fear the Lord is Not to be Afraid (Sanctuary October 2023)
Hold On, Let Go (Oasis October 2023)
The Spirit of the Storm (Sanctuary August 2023)
Rise to Your Resting Place (Sanctuary Ordination of Deacons and Priests August 2023)
Anxiety and the Altar of the Heart (Sanctuary May 2023)
How to Fall in Love with God (Sanctuary April 2023)
There is No Need to Be Afraid of the Light (Sanctuary Transfiguration Sunday 2023)
Life Cannot be Managed (Sanctuary January 2023)
Sometimes All You Need to Do is Rest (Sanctuary December 2022)
Wrestling God (Sanctuary October 2022)
The Image of God in the Hall of Mirrors (Sanctuary September 2022)
God Means to Make Us Equals (Sanctuary August 2022)
From Still Waters to Springs (Sanctuary May 2022)
Cursed to Be a Blessing (Sanctuary February 2022)
Magic or Mystery (Sanctuary January 2022)
Growing Down into Childlikeness Pt. 2 (Sanctuary January 2022)
Growing Down into Childlikeness (Sanctuary January 2022)
The Gentleness of Joy (Sanctuary December 2021)
Christ is Crowning (Sanctuary November 2021)
The God of Ruth, The God of Naomi (New Life East November 2021)
God is Not a Master (Sanctuary October 2021)
The Wisdom of the Canaanite (Sanctuary September 2021)
From the Lord is My Shepherd to I Am the Lord’s Shepherd (Sanctuary July 2021)
Thy Kingdom Come Pt 1 and Thy Kingdom Come Pt 2 (New Life Midtown April 2021)
The Upper Room and the Valley of Dry Bones (Sanctuary May 2021)
Where the Wild Things Are (Oasis February 2021)
Transfiguring Silence (Sanctuary February 2021)
The Baptism of Jesus, the Baptism of John (Sanctuary January 2021)
God is Angry with Us (Sanctuary November 2020)
The Grace of Difficulty (Sanctuary October 2020)
The Humanity of God (Sanctuary September 2020)
What to Do When God Can't Help (Sanctuary August 2020)
The Art of Laughter (Oasis June 2020)
Speaking and Listening (Sanctuary May 2020)
Christ, the Beggar King (Sanctuary Palm Sunday 2020)
Cross Purposes (Sanctuary February 2020)
In the Name of God? (Oasis January 2020)
A Pharisee, a Tax Collector, and Jesus Walk into a Bar (Sanctuary October 2019)
The Spirit of Elijah (New Life Midtown July 2019)
Wade in the Water, Children (Oasis July 2019)
The People God Forgot (Sanctuary May 2019)
How God Comes to Us (Sanctuary Palm Sunday 2019)
Nobody's Getting Out of Here Alive (Oasis March 2019)
We Only Have What We Remember (Sanctuary November 2018)
Speaking Life (Sanctuary September 2018)
Mary as Prophet (New Life Midtown August 2018)
What We Owe One Another (Sanctuary April 2018)
The Riches and Poverty of God (Sanctuary February 2018)
How Not to Love Your Neighbor (Sanctuary October 2017)
How to Love Your Neighbor (Sanctuary September 2017)
The Spirit and the Common Good (Sanctuary Pentecost Sunday 2017)
Living without Judgment (Sanctuary June 2017)
What the Resurrection Makes Possible (Sanctuary April 2017)
Surprised by God (Sanctuary March 2017)
Either/Or (Sanctuary December 2016)
The Judgment of God (Sanctuary October 2016)
God Matters (Sanctuary September 2016)
The Nature of Grace (Westgate April 2016)
We Are Being Saved (Westgate (March 2016)
For the Life of the World (Sanctuary September 2015)
Only the Blind See (Westgate July 2015)
The Doors to the Church are Open (Sanctuary Pentecost Sunday 2015)
Politics of God, Politics of Man (Sanctuary March 2015)
What We Know When We Know God (Sanctuary February 2015)
Becoming Mothers of God (Sanctuary December 2014)
Peace Passing Understanding (Sanctuary September 2014)
Misrepresenting God (Sanctuary August 2014)
The God of our Fathers (Sanctuary July 2014)
Speaking in Tongues (Sanctuary Pentecost Sunday 2014)
Practicing the Absence of God (Sanctuary April 2014)
The Lenten Prayer (Sanctuary March 2014)