"There are some black marks on a sheet of white paper;
they couldn’t differ more from a punch in the stomach.
Yet, they can have the same effect."
Simone Weil
​Public Theology
The Spirit Sets us Free for Responsibility, Christianity Today (June 2021)
Coronavirus and a Revival of Real Pentecostalism, Christianity Today ( Apr 2020)
Spirituality & Ministry
Transfiguring Lent (7-part series), Macrina Magazine (Feb—Mar 2021)
Broodings on Vocation in Conversation with Merton's Letters, Per Crucem ad Lucem (May 2014)
Worship and the Trinity, Everyday Theology (Sept 2018)
The Problem of Hell and Free Will, Eclectic Orthodoxy (Aug 2016)
The Eucharist and the Trinity, Seedbed (Aug 2015)
The Spirit of Baptism, Seedbed (Jan 2015)
Crucified Below, Seedbed (May 2014)
​Reviews ​
A Review of Philip Cary’s The Meaning of Protestant Theology, The Other Journal (Oct 2020
God is Heaven, God is Hell: A Review of DB Hart's That All Shall Be Saved, Eclectic Orthodoxy (Oct 2019)
A Review of Kate Sonderegger’s Systematics Vol 1, The Other Journal (Oct 2015)
A Review of Black's Theology of Dallas Willard, The Other Journal (Sept 2014)